Peter Pan courtesy of Pixabay

Instead of an introduction:

Some time ago, I was approached by several visitors of this URL site who wanted to know just what exactly do I mean with "a homepage of the cultivation of the mind in the spirit of Peter Pan".

I must admit that their motivation for this question was not entirely incomprehensible. I have wondered myself for a long time about this rather mystical greeting yet I could never change it to something else.

One simpler explanation might be obvious after reading a few of my texts. The author (i.e. myself) definitely has his own "Peter Pan syndrome". I might be a 57 year old boy who will not grow up. I have eluded maturity and factual reasoning, even sensual intelligence, preferring youthfully wild thoughts and intense feelings. I do regard the world as the object of my infatuations and other temperaments. I regard the world as the mirror which reflects all of our own specific temptations.

Still, in view to this world, I recently became too distant and strange. My interest in the world decreased, and instead, my interest in remembering only my longgone past as a boy increased, overwhelmingly. But living only in the past is like masturbation of the mind!

There is nothing wrong in remembering who I am (in fact, it is a blessing). But every once in a while, it is good for me to go out, to change my perspective, to open my mind and especially to open my heart again to the world and the people around me.

The "Peter Pan syndrome" can be a curse if you get too self-centered, if you only think of yourself, if you do not think of others anymore, if you are only interested in getting along just fine without this grown-up world of boring followers of capitalism and militarism. But this grown-up world does not only represent institutionalized evils of society but other aspects of life as well which are worthy and noble.

When the double doors of our horizons open, the world also becomes the realm of our mutual cosmopolitanism, either here in the internet, or outside on the streets of Friedrichshain. There is so much to discuss, so much to reconsider, and still so much to invent!

So, "in the spirit of Peter Pan", a cultivation of the mind takes place if we step out of our boundaries, remembering the time when we were young: Everything which is unknown is attracting us magically. We know by intuition: We create enjoyment, pleasure and delight when we turn something unknown into something which we know. And only this way, we turn insecurities into securities.

If we remain insecure, our fears of the world will increase.


Therefore, do it like a curious child:
Don't chicken out - but go for it. You will find happiness.


© 2003/2023 Daniel Emerson Aldridge